Zola disarms - Jonge Harten

Zola disarms

Sebastiaan Rodenhuis

Author: Sebastiaan Rodenhuis

The theme of Jonge Harten 2022 is disarmament. Arming ourselves, we all do it from time to time.

But why and when? And do we realize it ourselves? For Jonge Harten, Sebastian portrayed young people who are each disarming in their own way, and then asked them the question, “What weapons do you deploy?”

Zola: “Disarming for me is different every time. In 1-on-1 situations, I often choose camouflage: I put the other person at ease so that my own discomfort is not visible. If something is annoying, I try to put it in a light-hearted way. But you will definitely hear me when I disagree with something. When injustice occurs, protest is the right action.”

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